Bass Fishing Forums > General Bass Fishing Talk

Late Summer Bass Fishing


Hit the water yesterday afternoon with my wonderful wife.

We launched the boat around 12 Noon and headed to a specific area that I had been wanting to check out the last couple of weeks. I was disappointed to come around the point and see another boat in that area. But I figured we'd slowly work our way that way, and hopefully they'd move on and leave it for us to fish.

Sure enough, they did! So we worked our way into the area and began to fish it, slowly and thoroughly.

My wife had never fished a plastic worm before, but I knew that's what would probably produce the bites, with the conditions we had.

I rigged a spinning rod with a 4 inch worm and gave her a quick lesson on what to do with it and then handed her. I watched as she started casting and retrieving it. She was doing just what I told her to do  (yes)

I worked my way toward a small stream inlet, knowing that there should be at least one good bass there after the rain we had the day before. I told her where to cast.

Before I knew it, I heard her say something and I looked over to see her rod bent over pretty good  ;D

I grabbed the net and helped her boat a fat chunk that was a bit over 2 lbs. She was all smiles  8)

While she was throwing the 4 inch worm, I opted for a 6 inch Senko style bait. I knew I wouldn't get as many bites, but that if I did get bit, it would probably be a quality fish.

After an hour or more, I finally got bit. I set the hook and the rod bowed really good and then a big bass cleared the water! It was easily 4 lbs.

I had her grab the net and she helped me land it. I picked it up and it was well over 4 lbs. Probably closer to 4 1/2 anyway.

She snapped a handful of pics and we released it.

About a half hour later she made a cast that fell well short of where she had intended for it to go. It hit the water about 20 feet from the boat, right next to a clump of weeds and her line took off right away!

She set the hook and landed her biggest fish of the day, between 2 1/2 and 3 lbs  :)

We ended up staying out until about 7 PM and then decided to call it quits. We were both hungry (we didn't bring much food with us) and the sky was getting pretty dark with heavy clouds.

As we headed home, it started to sprinkle, so we knew we had timed it almost perfectly  (clap)

Here's my bass:

And here's hers:

We had an absolute blast out there and got to completely relax for the entire afternoon, with no interruptions and nobody bothering us at all. The lake was very quiet and not a single angler came anywhere near us after that first boat left  (y)


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