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Newbie to bait making can i get some advice

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Hey everyone I am a newbie to making bait.  I have fished and fished for 30 years and I am wanting to get into making my own baits.  I am looking to get a lead melting pot the LEEs production pot.  It was a toss up between that and the hot pot that you can pour out of.  The only reason i went with the LEEs production pot is because it is only 4 bucks difference. 

I want to start out by pouring my own jigs.  I use jigs a lot and at the same time lose them as much since I get into so crazy cover.  I thought this may help save a few bucks as well as how cool is it to catch all your bass in a tourney on your own home made jig. 

So since I am new I have a few questions.  How much lead would you melt if you are pouring say 10 - 15 jigs?  Just some 1/2 to 3/4 oz flip jigs.  If i melt to much do I just make some new lead blocks for the next time?

Any recommendations on certain jig molds to get to get started?  I flip a lot and use shaky heads as well.  Would like to get into some underspins and other jigs later on.

Any tips you can give me as I get started on this addictive part of this already addictive sport.


Jig Man:
Welcome to the forum.

If you are getting into bait making to save money then do the math first.  Pot around $50.  Molds 25-45 each.  Skirts for the jigs 25 to 50 cents per tab so 50 cents to $1 per jig.  Good hooks 50 cents each.  Lead $2-5 per pound.  Gloves, goggles, paint, etc etc.

All that said I have been doing it for over 30 years.  I make all of my own jigs and plastics (except for Zero worms which aren't poured).  I have never saved any money but have a great time.

To answer your question about the lead.  You fill your pot about 1/2 to 2/3 full, pour your jigs and unplug the pot.  Leave the lead in to slow down rust.

Please feel free to post other questions here if you want to.  I'll be glad to give you help in locating supplies if you head into this venture.


--- Quote from: Jig Man on November 28, 2015, 09:37:01 PM ---Welcome to the forum.

If you are getting into bait making to save money then do the math first.  Pot around $50.  Molds 25-45 each.  Skirts for the jigs 25 to 50 cents per tab so 50 cents to $1 per jig.  Good hooks 50 cents each.  Lead $2-5 per pound.  Gloves, goggles, paint, etc etc.

All that said I have been doing it for over 30 years.  I make all of my own jigs and plastics (except for Zero worms which aren't poured).  I have never saved any money but have a great time.

To answer your question about the lead.  You fill your pot about 1/2 to 2/3 full, pour your jigs and unplug the pot.  Leave the lead in to slow down rust.

Please feel free to post other questions here if you want to.  I'll be glad to give you help in locating supplies if you head into this venture.

--- End quote ---
Jig man your right.  I guess what part of fishing saves ya money.    it will be cool though to catch fish on your own poured and tied jig.  Thanks for answering my questions and I hope you don't mind me asking a few more here in the next few days.

Jig Man:
Like I stated, ask away.

One thing you might want to do is buy some heads already poured, either painted or unpainted.  Buy some skirts for them and assemble them to see if you like the process.

I started shooting my own tubes about 7 years ago.  My first tube cost me over $300.  I may be approaching retail price by now but I'm not sure.  The thing I know is I can have any amount of tubes any time I want in any color combination without having to go shopping.

I started making my own spinnerbaits way back in the early 1990s. As with anything you're just starting out at, there will always be an initial outlay of cash. Sometimes you might break even after a while. Sometimes you never catch up. But when you're making your own lures, it's more about the fun of making them and the satisfaction of catching fish on lures you made yourself than it is about saving money  (yes)

I started out by buying pre-poured spinnerbait heads and painting them myself, then eventually bought a lead pot, molds, etc.

And then I started pouring my own jigs and buzzbaits.

Eventually I got tired of pouring, and then tired of painting, so I started buying pre-poured and pre-painted heads and making my own skirts. I now make my own spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, jigs and bladed jigs. But I never have to touch a lead pot or paint  (nope)

Over the years, I've won thousands of dollars in tournaments with my own lures, from small club tourneys, to open tournaments with 50 boats. It's an awesome feeling to be able to catch big fish on your own lures  :thumbup:

And, as @Jig Man said, ask away! We'll be more than happy to answer your questions and help you get started  :nod:


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