Bass Fishing Forums > Fishing Line

Fishing Line Review


I just posted a new fishing line review over at Tackle Test.

Please check it out here:

I have the opposite opinion.
I'll never buy it again.


--- Quote from: ranger361v on December 06, 2015, 03:36:07 PM ---I have the opposite opinion.
I'll never buy it again.

--- End quote ---

What was it that made you dislike it? As you can tell, I really, really like it. And I know others who do also.

Broke off with 3 different hook sets and 2 different lines so I took it off both reels.
And will never use it again.


--- Quote from: ranger361v on December 06, 2015, 07:35:31 PM ---Broke off with 3 different hook sets and 2 different lines so I took it off both reels.
And will never use it again.

--- End quote ---

You must have gotten a spool that had been sitting around somewhere for a very long time. Bummer  :crying:


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