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Spark Plugs?


Just curious as to how often you guys change your spark plugs in your outboard.

I used to change mine out each year as part of the annual winterization maintenance. The dealer would fog my outboard and then put new plugs in. I found that rather odd, since when I started the outboard for the first time in the Spring, those brand new plugs would be subjected to a heavy oily mix as the fogging oil got burned off.

More often than not, I would end up with fouled plugs at some point later during the season, which was irritating in light of the fact that those plugs were pretty new.

For the last few years, since my boat has been garaged, I don't fog my engine any longer at the dealership. Instead, when I know I'm done fishing for the winter, I pull my spark plugs and shoot a small amount of fogging oil into each cylinder. I then put the plugs back in, pull the kill switch lanyard and turn the engine over for a few seconds to make sure the fogging oil is covering the cylinder walls as good as possible.

My fuel always has stabilizer in it, so the fuel system is already "treated" and there's no danger of the fuel getting sticky or gummy.

In the spring, when I start the outboard for the first time, there is little smoke, especially compared to a system that has been completely fogged. And by doing this, I have been able to run the same set of spark plugs for 3 seasons now, with no plug fouling whatsoever.

I know some people might frown on not fogging the outboard the "normal" way, but this system works perfectly for me since my boat is now no longer stored outside in the harsh elements during the winter months.

Jig Man:
I change mine every 4-6 years.  They are supposed to last for 100 hours but I don't give them that long.  I change my impellor more often than the plugs.

On my previous boats I changed every year, since it really didn't cost me all that much to do so with only 4 smaller ones.    With my new boat and running the DFI oil, I plan to change them every 100 hrs or so.


--- Quote from: Jig Man on December 22, 2015, 10:06:24 AM ---I change mine every 4-6 years.  They are supposed to last for 100 hours but I don't give them that long.  I change my impeller more often than the plugs.

--- End quote ---

My thoughts exactly. I realize now that I was throwing money away by swapping them every year.  (fp)


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