Bass Boat Forums (by boat brand) > Xpress Bass Boats Forums


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believe me I know from what I speak  been doing boats for 40 years  Buy the biggest u can put on her even if you have to skimp on other options to make it happen  prices of motors are going up every year and after you figure out the  "dam I screwed up" factor they went up a few thousand,  especially if you wanna stay with 2 stroke motors.  they are gonna go sky high really soon.

I get what u guys are layin out, and i been there. But heres what has me thinking on it so much. You can pull up youtube videos of an x19 with a 200 sho doin over 80mph. Thats what i would call excessive... you can see the reading on his hds plain as day. That is what has me thinking i can be satisfied with less... jury just isnt in yet.

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Do you run your vehicle as fast as it will go every time you drive it?


--- Quote from: hotchkisshammer on January 04, 2017, 02:35:06 AM ---I get what u guys are layin out, and i been there. But heres what has me thinking on it so much. You can pull up youtube videos of an x19 with a 200 sho doin over 80mph. Thats what i would call excessive... you can see the reading on his hds plain as day. That is what has me thinking i can be satisfied with less... jury just isnt in yet.

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--- End quote ---

Ok sounds like he either has the GPS set to kph or photoshopped     (giggle)   No 200 sho is gonna do 80 in stock form  dont care if its on a 17fter  If by chance he has a warmed over motor maybe or a nox setup   if you see that utube video again see if you can see the rpms   Im not doubting what You saw to be what you saw im doubting the accuracy of the video.   If its real that would be the fastest 200 Ive ever seen with the exception of on an early Alison

Looking at the X19 listings on the BBC site, nearly all with a 200 list their top speed at 69-70.  With a 150, right at 60.


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