Bass Boat Mods > Custom Lighting

LED Light Installation

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Jig Man:
Where I fish there are no docks, no resorts, no houses and few roads passing so it is very dark except with moon light.  Any light you turn on will get you hundreds of some kind of gnat that sounds like mosquitoes.  Using a cap light, if it isn't red will have them all over your face getting into eyes and nose.  Even a black light draws them. 

Black lights are the worst as most bugs are attracted to UV light.    Red or any color toward that spectrum is for sure the best.
I keep my light on the middle of the boat so when the bugs do get a little bad, its far enough from me that they dont bother me.   But when the mayflies are out I may find 1000 dead ones near the light in the boat.

It's amazing how fast bugs will find you when you turn on a light, even away from shore!  (fp)

I turn the backlights on my electronics down to the lowest levels and use a black background instead of the normal white. Taking these steps definitely reduces the number of bugs they attract and it helps with my night vision. But there are still times when I have a bunch of dead bugs stuck to the screen on damp nights. They get attracted to the screen because of the light and then they get stuck there when they land on the wet screen  (giggle)

Yeah I know.  I always wonder what a mosquito does out in the middle of a lake when I am not around.   (shrug)


--- Quote from: JackJ on June 27, 2017, 02:48:05 PM ---I always wonder what a mosquito does out in the middle of a lake when I am not around.   (shrug)

--- End quote ---

I think they must fly around looking for you... "Where's Jack? Have you seen Jack?"  (giggle)


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