Bass Fishing Forums > Fishing Line

Troubleshooting Line Breakage Problems

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I do a quick seat of the pants check of new line when I spool, just to make sure the line is still 'good', and not terribly degraded. Better to find it breaks in the garage than on the water!


--- Quote from: frugalangler on July 31, 2017, 01:55:28 PM ---I do a quick seat of the pants check of new line when I spool, just to make sure the line is still 'good', and not terribly degraded. Better to find it breaks in the garage than on the water!

--- End quote ---

The funny part is that I actually did that when I tied the spinnerbait on that evening at home. I remembered the break-off a couple nights before, so when I tied the lure on, I gave it several good, hard pulls just above the lure, figuring that if the knot was going to fail, it would do it then. But it held fast with no visible signs of trouble.

Go figure  (fp)

But at least I was able to figure it out now.


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