Bass Boat Forums (by boat brand) > Ranger Bass Boats Forums

my new ride

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--- Quote from: bullet20dc on October 01, 2017, 02:34:54 PM ---My Bullet of 20 years is gone  she served me well but its  time to move on 
 Ranger 521C   250 yamaha sho

--- End quote ---

Wow, after so many years of talk of sleds, to see you in one. Welcome to the Ranger family!!!!!!!

Now you can sit back and enjoy fishing more!


Very nice!

Ok Ive had her out 4 times now heres what i found
pros......softer ride then the Bullet
better hardware then the lower end older ones
kinda like the 4 stroke power curve   getting used to it
really like no oil in the gas
super super super quiet
really simple to drive,  really hard to get it to do something bad
a pleasure to fish out of.
massive amounts of storage

cons.....   sloooooooooooooooooooow compared to the ole gal *so far 68 is all i can get out of it but I havent been alone yet and shes carrying 4 big mutha batteries
steering is not as responsive
had to unbolt the gas tank cover where the driver seat is bolted to  move the adj driver seat 4 inches forward.  these boats were designed and built by very tall people.
no hot foot... the under console doesn't lend itself for a comfortable install so Im doing without for now

overall opinion.....  a pleasure to drive, solid feeling, but its like comparing apples and oranges  the Bullet has a sport car feel,  fast responsive  did I mention fast  and the Range is more cadilacish    at my age Im getting to like the fact that my back doesnt ache when i get home and I dont have to spend hours fixing stuff I broke

If you're happy with it, is what counts.  (shrug)

Jig Man:
Quiet is on nice isn't it?  With my Vrod you can talk to the guy in the passenger's seat until the air flow takes your voice away.  It sure wasn't that way with my Optimax.


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