Bass Fishing Forums > Fishing Line

Power Pro Braid Bleeding

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That sucks. 
I was going to say I never had Power Pro do that.

I use the Daiwa J-Braid mostly now,or Sufix 832.    I rarely use braid at all anymore except on my swim jigs.


--- Quote ---I rarely use braid at all anymore except on my swim jigs.
--- End quote ---

I only have braid on one other rod. A spinning rod that I use for shaky head fishing.

I contacted customer service. They are refunding my money. Gonna try something different this time.

Jig Man:
Well I for one am glad that it wasn't Power Pro.  It has been a staple for me for a long time.  When I fish deep (30-70') vertically, I can only feel the bite with braid.  All braid that I have ever used will eventually fade to white so I just switched to white and if I think I need to color the end that is what sharpies were made for.


--- Quote ---All braid that I have ever used will eventually fade to white
--- End quote ---

This is true. It's all dyed. Apparently some dye works better than others.

I recall many years ago reading where some pros were buying it white or grey and then coloring random marks on their line with sharpie markers, just to break up the white and camouflage it a bit.


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