Bass Boat Forums (by boat brand) > Skeeter Bass Boats Forums

Welcome to BBB Skeeter room

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first off welcome   I see you a yankee fan   you must be ok.
    your timer switch board is bad or the wiring is wrong   did u monkey around with it and undo the wires and possibly put em back on wrong

 or do u have one of them skeeters with a central computer that runs the whole boat.   if thats the case it would be a whole lot cheaper to run a new circuit from scratch.  just replaced a pooter in a fairly new skeeter and I seem to remember that part alone was around 800.00   thats the rear one on the rear stb side the one under the dash is BIG bucks

As @bullet20dc said, it's more than likely a wiring issue, as in wires not connected properly after the pumps were replaced.

Oh, and welcome to BBB!  o/

got a msg from him  I wont go into it  but hes seen the light.  (yes) dog65  put up a pic of the switch u have front and back and Ill try and fix her up for ya  theres a ground wire going to the circuit maybe thats off.  usually black wire. but typically it goes  on a gang of male spade lugs usually the pump wires are brown (hot)  and black (gnd) there should be a 12v feed (red)or orange,  and pob an orange lead  timer feed going from timer side to on/off/timer  switch legs 


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