Bass Boat Maintenance & Repairs > Bass Boat Maintenance

Discarded Fishing Line & Your Outboard

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This is what happens when foolish people throw their braided line in the water.

I picked this line up while power loading the boat after an evening of fishing  (ol)

Thankfully I saw it before it ended up all wrapped behind my prop, where it could damage the seals on the lower unit.

Never, ever throw old line in the water  (no)

And be sure to pull your prop occasionally and check for this and other debris.

Jimmy RodandReel:
 (y)  (y)

Jig Man:
My comes by tech pulls my prop every time he comes to service the engine.  I also do it between his visits.

Thank goodness you noticed.  (y)

You aint just woofin... I remember many many years ago I was pullin up to the ramp in my ol Skeeter and RIGHT SMACK DAB in the middle of the ramp sat a 400# black woman on a bucket with a couple of rodsNreels out. I guess she thought she owned the ramp (she DIDN'T!  (angryman) ) So anyway, with no dock and there being alot of mud on each side of the ramp (Tunica Cutoff, an old MS River oxbow south of Memphis) I WAS GOING TO gently beach the boat on the ramp and walk up and get my truck. I thought "Aunt Jemima" would get the message as I idled up but nope, she was hellbent on keeping "her spot"!  (nope)

I kept on idling up and about 20yds out from the bank I knew I'd "struck gold", all of the sudden one of her rods began jumping and dancing. Yep I'd ran right square over her line and my ol 175 Mariner commenced to eatin up her line!  (giggle) Lord "Aunty" went to hollerin at me, purty sure she called me everything (young, smarta.. whiteboy seemed to be her favorite!). BUT she got the message, and proceeded to VERY QUICKLY reel all of her crap up and move out of the way! I didn't say a stinkin thing to her dumba... I just beached my boat, walked up the ramp, backed my truck in and loaded my boat. She was still cussin me as I loaded the boat but she wouldn't make eye contact, she was "Smarta.. white boyin" the air in the opposite direction!  (yes)

So when I got home I removed the prop and sure enough had about 30ft of ol cheap mono wrapped around the propshaft but no seal damage.  (whew)


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