Bass Fishing Forums > Rods

Berkley E Motion Rods

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I too am considering trying ONE higher end rod this year. Like most of you I can't afford a deck full of high-priced rods either. But I will try one and if I notice a huge difference then maybe I will add one high end rod a year for a few years. Time will tell.

@Jimmy RodandReel Some great points, and very well said  (yes) (y)

Jimmy RodandReel:

--- Quote from: Carter on February 24, 2015, 08:14:53 PM ---I too am considering trying ONE higher end rod this year.

--- End quote ---

A word of advice........Don't go crazy and decide the price range you want to target. Take your time and do your research and handle LOTS of rods. Talk to other people. Make a list of rods you want to look at and again take your time..........Also take the reel you plan to use on the rod.(filled with line) A reel filled with line can change the balance of a rod A LOT.

Find the right rod for YOU and not the rod everybody else wants you to have.  (yes)

@Jimmy RodandReel made some very good points. One must also consider what level they are fishing and how serious they are about it. If you are just a weekend angler that doesn't tournament fish, maybe it's pointless to you to buy high end rods. For me, I pretty much want the best rods I can get. I had all Loomis rods, but I have started the process of replacing those with custom rods from Jimmy.


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