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Tactic for overcast days


Tactic for overcast days

When the weather warms and we have those overcast spring and summer days, I fish a lipless crank in a BONE color. Something about that off white color just seems to catch them when other colors fail. Cordell still makes Spots in bone color and a medium retrieve works best for me. On overcast days with rain, I will dead stick the same lure off main points down to 20 ft. Let it sit for about 30 seconds and RIP it from the bottom. A violent bite for sure if they are there.


Thanks @Wizard  (y)

Same color I love. Hard to find bone. I also fish it the same way at times. Sitar to a jigging spoon. I like to use 65 lb braid when I do this as I tend to get hung a lot. I will be doing some this w a eekend along with the Shakey head and spy  baits.

Jimmy RodandReel:
Shhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!    Stop telling everyone.   (giggle) (giggle)

Theres also something about an oyster colored red eye shad that rocks fish on this lake.   (yes) (yes)


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