Trolling Motors (by brand) > Minn Kota Trolling Motors

Head Unit Replacement


Last season I had to replace the bottom half of my trolling motor's head unit. Mine had cracked and I knew that sooner or later it would break completely, and I didn't want that to happen while I was on the water.

I was a bit nervous about it, since I'd never had to do this before. Replacing that part required me to remove the top section of the head and then remove a bracket that held the steering cables in place and then some wires, and then disconnect the steering cables from the pinion gear that actually steers  the motor.

So, I made sure I took pictures before I actually disassembled everything!

I even used my phone to shoot video from different angles to make sure I didn't miss anything.

It actually turned out not to be as difficult as I thought it would be and didn't take very long at all once I got into it.

I was glad I documented everything with pics and glad when it was finished and reassembled  :)

Jimmy RodandReel:
This will be great info for folks on this board.

@Jimmy RodandReel  quit sucking up. 117 post? Have you quit building rods to play on this site all day? Haha. Good Info Curt


--- Quote from: Bullet3119 on January 25, 2015, 11:21:23 PM ---@Jimmy RodandReel  Good Info Curt

--- End quote ---

Thanks @Bullet3119   ;)


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