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swim jig mod

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Not the bladed swim jigs, but I really like adding a swivel and small willowleaf or colorado blade to the hook of my swim jigs like you would a trailer hook. Adds some good erratic flash to the bait.


--- Quote from: dchance on March 31, 2015, 03:08:01 PM ---Not the bladed swim jigs, but I really like adding a swivel and small willowleaf or colorado blade to the hook of my swim jigs like you would a trailer hook. Adds some good erratic flash to the bait.

--- End quote ---

What do you find to be the best way to keep the swivel on the jig hook?

I tried this a couple years back and had the swivel go flying off on a cast. Never took the time to try to come up with a good way to keep that from happening.

Got any pics?

You can use several things. A hole puch and a plastic lid from grocery foods gives you a nice disc to stick tje hook through, surgical tubing, really nearly any little piece of p lactic you could poke the hook through.

Thanks! I've used the hole punch and plastic coffee can lid idea in the past. Works fairly well. You just have to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't wear out and fall off.

I've also used rubber tubing with no problems. I was just curious as to whether you had any new ways of doing it.


I tear a little piece of that used plastic bait laying on the floor of the boat off and use it as a holder and it works very well, and it's easy.    (yes)


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